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Danielle Coulanges is a teacher who’s had a renaissance career as an entertainer, a fashion designer, business woman and compliance officer. Her true passion however has always been to write, and she uses her diverse experiences to observe life and reflect on it in her writings. 

Danielle, who returned to college as an adult, graduated from New Jersey City University in New Jersey with a major in Economics and a minor in English Literature. She served as the publisher and was a featured writer of her division’s quarterly newsletter when she worked at a major financial services firm in New York. 

She also writes essays and short stories and maintains a blog. In 2008 she published Cads, Princes and Best Friends, a memoir of relationships gone awry, that shares life lessons about love and faith. 

In May 2012 she became a first time recording artist at age fifty plus with the release of her single “We Are One,” a song with a strong social message. An album of original inspirational and gospel songs, “I Live by Faith” (her life motto) is due for August 2012.

More information about Danielle, her writing and her music can be viewed on her website at

For more information, please visit

Today’s Brilliance from Danielle Coulanges

In today's culture of instant gratification where everything is available at the touch of a button and success is measured in viral terms, we tend to dismiss anything that doesn't result in instantaneous, mega success. So what happens if your dreams appear too big, too difficult or too impossible to attain? I am a dreamer and I believe that everyone who has a dream should pursue it and discover the possibilities that exist in the process. A dream, that "strongly desired goal or purpose," usually applies to something better than what you have. You live in a shack and dream…

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